The Homeless Tartan - Raising Money for Shelter Scotland

One in 200 hundred people are personally affected by homelessness in the UK, which is reaching epidemic levels, therefore we decided to do what we know best and get involved in fighting back. The consequences of this social crisis is negatively affecting our social environment, local communities and the well-being of both families and individuals!

In light of this, we have specially designed a Homeless Tartan. We hope Homeless Tartan products will help us raise awareness and endorse local organisations who are fighting this public crisis. Our mission focuses on bringing value to communities and supporting them by offering part of the profits generated by the Homeless tartan products in Scotland.

For everything we sell in the Homeless tartan, 20% of the money goes to ‘Shelter Scotland’ who have been fighting the homeless issue for over 50 years. Shelter have been instrumental in bringing legislative change in housing laws over the years and continue to help and advise thousands of people across Scotland.

Here are some of the Homeless Tartan products that are available…

Calum Grant